I Tested These $349 Shure Headphones and They Sound Amazing — Here's Why I Won't Buy Them

What should a premium pair of headphones do for everyday use in 2024, especially when they cost $349? You want decent sound quality, of course, but you can have that without the comfort that has become nearly ubiquitous in headphones designed for everyday use. For this price, I also expect solid ANC for my daily … Read more

Save up to AU$300 on a Samsung Galaxy S24 device with these amazing Afterpay Day deals

The latest Afterpay Day sales event is in full swing and we've spotted a number of excellent discounts from major Australian retailers so far. For example, JB Hi-Fi has slashed the price of Samsung's Galaxy S24 devices by up to AU$300, which is a really good deal in our opinion. Right now, you can get … Read more